The VPN Concentrator 5300 will then enable IT staff to implement a very secure and flexible remote work policy. Remote users can simply connect a ShoreTel IP phone to a broadband router, and with minimal configuration establish a secure tunnel to the ShoreTel VPN Concentrator. Once connected, their phone acts as though it was located in the
CounterACT VPN Concentrator Plugin Configuration Guide Network Module: VPN Concentrator Plugin Configuration Guide Version 4.1 3 . About the VPN Concentrator Plugin . The VPN Concentrator Plugin is a component of the ForeScout CounterACT ® Network Module. See . Network Module Information. for details about the module. The VPN Concentrator Plugin is used to track VPN users, disconnect them from the ShoreTel VPN Concentrator and associated VPN phones ShoreTel VPN Concentrator and its associated VPN phones The ShoreTel VPN Concentrator and VPN IP phones was introduced to the ShoreTel product line in software release 8.1 The VPN Phone is a ShoreTel feature that provides secure audio communications for ShorePhones located remotely from ShoreGear switches through open VPN SSL tunnels.
CounterACT VPN Concentrator Plugin Configuration Guide
What is a VPN Concentrator? - The Security Buddy May 30, 2020 Cisco CVPN3005-E/FE-BUN VPN Concentrator
VPN CONCENTRATOR 3005 Price - Cisco Global Price List
VPN concentrator SSL failed - ShoreTel Forums